fa la la la la, la la la la.
you know what i've observed these past few weeks? christmas season always brings up the subject that a lot of people keep suppressed all year round. EX'S. yes.. ex girlfriends boyfriends husbands and wives.
christmas is supposed to be that time where everyone and anyone can get together and feel the christmas spirit all together. everyone has a party, and during the 12 months of the year if a relationship decides to go sour between a group of friends, someone ends up getting left out and hurt. and there will always be drama surrounding this.
i've been on both sides. i've been left out because of a relationship, and i've also been targeted for being left out because of a relationship. and i feel like every time there's been an ex at a party i've been able to man up and go with the flow.. so why then is it so hard for everyone else to do the same? why do we have to choose sides? cause we say we dont.. and when we try to be peaceful with everything, some little sissy has to complain that their friends are fake bastards. (okay im going a little extreme..but you know..)
i like to think that my group of friends are pretty tame.. and yes everyone has little fits here and there but at the end of the day, you don't really exclude anyone unless they've killed someone in your family. and it's funny that when people try to plan something fun and exciting for everyone to do .. drama? always goes down cause some one dated so on and won't go unless so forth isn't going. OR worst. if two people dated. and then break up.. and one get's a girlfriend, the other one isn't allowed to bring their new love? .. hmm relationships are so strange for some people... really. it is.
i enjoy watching drama go down. i'm not gonna lie... i like watching it when i'm not involved. and when i am involved i like to tell people to shut the front door.. and if they want to be babies and act live diva's maybe they aren't really worth inviting. but i do sound like a hypocrite cause.. really i am bias against people who are rude to me :) (so go die in a hole..) kidding!
anyways i guess this post is to say cheers to the season of fake friends who pretend to be best buds, but when their friends start hating on each others ex's we all know there beings a turf war.. especially when someone has the guts to finally bring up the subject. long live the ex! (not.. i hope most of mine have a long life of regret muahahah! .. just kidding)
good thing i hang out with mostly guys. phew
float along, and carry on! :) i hope all my friends attend parties and say cheers with their friends, and end up forgetting that they all hate each other for some reason or the other.
merry (almost) christmas :)