A kiss is a question in the form of an action.
The initiator/asker starts the kiss at 90 percent and.. The answer is 10 percent away.
The responder either pulls in that last 10 percent, or doesn't respond at all.
The impression of the kiss is the first 90 percent. The emotion, passion, tenderness... This matters the most.
I can only recall one kiss that I've had that has made the biggest impression on me. I felt a spark, excitement, and the possibility of falling in love with that kiss. The boy was the initiator, and after a very long pause, I responded. But... That's another story (:
On the other hand, the last first kiss I had, did not do anything for the initiator. :( which sucks cause I kinda had high hopes... maybe it was bad though cause his intentions were to see how far he could get.. (Yeah definitely did not get far..)
Oh and I've also gotten the "so do I get a kiss or what?" ... Yeah that was a peck. Not smooth at..all. But maybe he was going for the straight out blunt move... Hmm.
So guys and not so traditional girls, when initiating the first kiss, remember! This is where your first and (could be last) impression lies. Plan it out strategically ... Or leave it up to fate..and don't plan at all :)
kiss kiss (:
- j
(photo via allposters.com -http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/14573-POD/1099832~Couple-Kissing-Good-bye-in-Train-Station-Posters.jpg)
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