Now while girls spend most of their life planning their wedding, guys spend a lot of time planning their proposal.
I'm gonna be honest, I just wanted to put my idea down on here.. Just cause well since we're already on the topic :)
Have you ever watched the "Make her say" video by Kid Cudi? Well let me tell you.. After watching that video.. I sorta fell in love. The intro scene with the balloons? Brills. So fairytailish in a tasteful way. Now what does this have to do with proposing you say?
Imagine this. you walk into this open space filled with colorful balloons (cool colors only... hot colors would just throw the atmosphere off..) The sun is setting.. There is a small breeze. The helium filled balloons are bouncing up and down while each are individally tied down to the groud by a ribbon. You make your way to the middle of the balloon filled space, and then you see an opening with one balloon that is hovering all alone. It's hovering because the weight of the balloon has been balanced with the weight of an envelope so that the balloon isn't flying away... But it isn't sinking either. You walk up to the balloon.. untie the envelope and open it. There is a note. you read it. It says those words.
Next thing you know he's behind you on one knee.. Asking you...with a ring in hand...
Wow back to reality. (: that's my maybeoneday. Wow. I am good. *slowclap*
P.S if any of you plan to put this idea into action, let me know how it goes (:
- j
I got to tell you about a proposal i heard about yesterday...
ReplyDeletethis bmet was about to propose to his gf when his cousin totally ruined it for him.
His cuz planned a trip to nashville, where his gf is from and told her grandma to invite her down there for the summer, so he shows up surprisingly to this little river where she played at as a kid and popped the question to her... nice eh? Anywho, it still would be nice if you got asked the question in a field of ballons, not with that song in the backround though...