soo J2 & I were talking about our master plan to lure love into our hearts. however, because I am not master mind game player like he is, I was unable to stick with the plan, and I decided to play the game the way that I am able to.. meaning.. no mind games.. just.. me. being me and seeing how that goes.
hopefully it doesn't backfire on me. I mean... I'm not going to try and trick someone into liking me because they truely can't be with me if I stop talking to them for a weekend. why test someone? right? if you keep on playing mind games with someone, it's just going to confuse your brains till your eyes go green. does that even make sense? mmm good love is love that doesn't need to be tested. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in love.. I just like the idea of it. I'm the little mermaid rmb? :)
I know of one couple and they are soo in love. soooo in love, that they got married. the way that the husband looks at his wife, and considers her feelings and takes care of her, brings disney to shame. he adores her. that's what it should be like. (unless you're a manly man like L lol... heh heh heh oh man.. L, you're a whole other post waiting to be written.....you are the exception :D)
yeeep. so instead of taking my much needed nap, I posted. woo hoo. time to go sit and study for MASS on tues.
- j
(image via google; i adore you)
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