so tonight i'm going to the nait fundraiser for prostate cancer...
well see.. i actually don't really want to go because.. it's the C's (the bf) friends event and also my sisters friends event but my sister isn't going.. so i'm feeling a little.. weird without her being there..
anywho they're auctioning off bachelors and bachelorettes to the public to raise money for prostate cancer..
a good cause i'd like to say. considering prostate cancer isn't something as easily diagnosed as something like breast cancer is..so more research into screening programs would be beneficial to all those homies that have a prostate gland. (but rmb, if urinating starts to feel like you're shooting out fire.. go see a doctor my homies..)
anyways.. going back to the fundraiser.. do you think that sexuality is being used so much as a part to raise money for many causes? does that mean that the public is drawn in by sexuality/ the opposite sex and thats one of the main reasons why they're willing to pay up for such a cause? cause really.. if it was just a dinner and dance.. ya okay i'd still go. a bake sale? ehh.. probably wouldn't buy anything.. auction for something else? perhaps. actually im going cause C said "take work off that night" and i was like.. "uh okay.."
mmMmm i have nothing against fundraisers. hey the more we raise money for these illnesses..the more we'll be able to help those who have already been diagnosed right?
however.. i really do hope money goes into prevention programs and awareness programs for other diseases such as sti's or breast cancer..or lung cancer.. cause it's not only the research in curing these diseases that will stop the epidemic from coming.
lalalallalalalalalalallaalalalla. i like to write. thanks SY.. i think you've given me inspiration to start writing more.. even if most of my posts are super random lol (:
- j (image via google; share bear)
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