And sometimes kisses come around too. (:
My best friend L and I have been there for each other since eighth grade. She likes to tell everyone that the only reason we became friends was cause I had to use her lock cause someone stole the lock on my locker.. Twice. (I guess I can't disagree..)
Well L and I have both been in serious relationships since tenth? grade. (Myself in a couple more due to my inability to keep one going for a long time *sigh*) anyways.. Following an approx four year relationship on her part, and a six month (sad isn't it?) relationship on my part, we found ourselves both single for the first time in... Wow a loooooong time.
Two single girls in the city? With a whole summer ahead of us? Oh the enless possibilities. Mua ha ha ha.
Now, we were laying in my bed one night (cause that's what you do when your mattress costs 1600 and feels like clouds) and I came up with the idea that by december we should have a goal of guys to kiss.
Why not slut it out? Well not really.. A kiss is just a kiss... Sleeping with someone on the other hand.. Well that's another story :P
Originally the goal was 3 and 3 (may-dec? Pretty small number to achieve right?)
Then L said "uh no. Realistically I will get 1 and you will get 3"
Then I said "uh no. Realistically, I will give you a goal of 3 and myself of one cause... I can totally keep it in my pants...I hope and cause that one.. Will be THE guy." (Ohh so naïve)
My best friend L and I have been there for each other since eighth grade. She likes to tell everyone that the only reason we became friends was cause I had to use her lock cause someone stole the lock on my locker.. Twice. (I guess I can't disagree..)
Well L and I have both been in serious relationships since tenth? grade. (Myself in a couple more due to my inability to keep one going for a long time *sigh*) anyways.. Following an approx four year relationship on her part, and a six month (sad isn't it?) relationship on my part, we found ourselves both single for the first time in... Wow a loooooong time.
Two single girls in the city? With a whole summer ahead of us? Oh the enless possibilities. Mua ha ha ha.
Now, we were laying in my bed one night (cause that's what you do when your mattress costs 1600 and feels like clouds) and I came up with the idea that by december we should have a goal of guys to kiss.
Why not slut it out? Well not really.. A kiss is just a kiss... Sleeping with someone on the other hand.. Well that's another story :P
Originally the goal was 3 and 3 (may-dec? Pretty small number to achieve right?)
Then L said "uh no. Realistically I will get 1 and you will get 3"
Then I said "uh no. Realistically, I will give you a goal of 3 and myself of one cause... I can totally keep it in my pants...I hope and cause that one.. Will be THE guy." (Ohh so naïve)
So there we were with our plan 3 for L, and 1 for myself.
It is now august... The score?
well. let's just say L has a ways to go.. and I've maxed out the visa.
Luckily there's still lots of time and screw the score... I will find that one perfect? No... Amazing kiss. Or guy I mean. :D
Three more months L. Three more months.. (; kiss someone at that wedding or don't come home at all! Got it? Good.
*yaaa I know my posts are long.. But I'm bored as f&ck. (:
- j
i'm coming home no matter what :P