*today i woke up and smiled :)
i felt really good for the first time in.. about three weeks. honestly.. deleting C off my bbm was the best thing i could have done for myself.. even THOUGH L, jdub & another one of my friends insisted that i delete him off a bajillion years ago. .. i am happy. :)
so i woke up.. went to work and went to the gym (for the first time in two weeks).. god i hope i'm not sore in the morning. i have to go again tmr. gaining weight is not fun kids. especially when you want the ex to one day go "oh my god. she looks so good.. end life now". :) yep. being spiteful is really my best friend. i sware! oh besides L. lol.
i went to dimsum & the mall with L today. i think we need to have our own show L. lol actually..before we were going to have one called the prairies.. bahaha you know... the HILLS. .. alberta.. the prairies.. YA.. i know. SO original right? hahaha well. i spent money and bought myself a waterbottle from lululemon, a workout bag from lululemon annd underwear, and a shirt. andddddddd i can't remember what else. all i do know is that i was complaining a lot because i was tired .. ya. im getting OLD. :(
so at dimsum, L decided to do psych tests on me.. and what did we figure out?
1) i am not easy to please when it comes to finding husband material
2) my ego is as big as a cardboard box, my "wall" to other people is as transparent as a cardboard box, i am as ambitious as a very tall ladder.. or 6ft? 12 ft? i can't remember.. and my future soulmate is going to stand and stare at me in admiration..
3) my easiness is 8ft tall, it takes 30 people to fully satisfy me & after a night of.. "fun" i would say "i'm sorry, i was hungry" (or.. something else at that matter...)
bwhaha very funny. hahahahhaaha we had a good laugh :) there's a book on psych tests.. i really want to go buy it now.. :D
yay? ya.. me and L have very VERY good conversations.. oh that reminds me.. we were looking at the lemers at wem today..

i've named him lamar the lemer. lol. and since im going to be single now.. i wanted to be the cat lady :D but since my siblings are allergic and cats drive L crazy, i thought about buying myself a lemer.. then L said "i thought you wanted a ferret? why not a striped ferret" lol .. omg that's just like having the lemers tail as a pet.. "oh ya sorry, i wanted a lemer, but only the tail as a pet" bahaha and then i compared that to "oh ya sorry, i wanted a rat, but i only wanted the tail as a pet so i got a worm." HAHAHAHA. ya.. that comment made L almost choke on her bbt...
throughout the day i tried not to think about C, and although i was happy.. i guess its hard not to miss him. i was really tired and didn't feel well.. and i could only think about how i wanted to be comforted by him. oh well. thank god my bed is amazingly comfortable. or else i would never get through life. bahaha
anyways.. i've decided to put a little more tlc into this blog so it'll be more enjoyable for all 4 of you to read.. bwhahaah. i am pooped out of my mind. sleeping early. night!
*ps. my phone takes pretty sweet pictures :D
- j
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