i think i've already wrote about this before.. but i can't really remember...
friends. its funny how when you grow older.. you see how they truely are. hmm. i have a lot of different group of friends. actually, it's more like i have a very random assortment of friends that come from different groups. ..
i remember thinking when i was younger that i wanted to grow up with my group of friends..that's so when i was 40 i could say "oh me and so and so here have been best friends since grade 3..." .. but no. life doesn't really work that way.
my close group of friends since grade 7 were very close. we called each other "angels".. unfortunately i was very close with all the girls up until high school... which is when we all grew distant and .. grew into our own person. I'd like to say that I'm still super closer with each and every one of them.. but no. I do still hang out with them.. but a lot of them.. well.. actually.. one or two of them have made me realize that just because you know someone for so long, it's never guarantee that they'll be there for you.
flyleaf - there for you. speaks wonders to me. because in the end.. we are all a little selfish about .. everything.. and as good of a friend you are to your best friend or to anyone at that matter.. you're always thinking about yourself. .. and that's coming from someone.. who really wants to help everyone. :P..
i admit.. i am a very selfish person.. but i think we're all selfish because we just don't want to get hurt. hmm.
so i'm very happy with my random assortment. i went out with one of the group of girls last night.. and i felt .. safe? .. ya. safe. i was happy. compared to the group of girls that i usually party with.. those girls are.. well we have fun.. but there's always a little drama mixed into that cocktail which always leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
time to clean my room. thanks to the people that time and time again leave a small impression of happiness in my heart :)
- j
"sometimes you have to get to really know a person to realize theyre really strangers."