Wednesday, January 13, 2010

insomnia is a wonderful thing

Having a completely retarded sleeping schedule has left me with a lot of time to think about things (this is cause everyone is asleep and I have nothing better to do lol).

I remember from highschool how someone mentioned something along the lines're lucky to keep at least 5 of your close friends from highschool as friends when you're an adult.

So, I started thinking about the current friends I have that I deem to be "close friends" that were from my highschool. Hmm...1...2...3...oh dear looks like that person was right.

Let's think about this in terms of my close friends right now who were also my close friends in highschool (not friends who I knew in highschool and became good friends with). This leaves me with...only ONE.

Now that I've also graduated from university I can't help but wonder what life has in store. Will I still have my same group of friends? Or will life lead us all into different directions just as post highschool graduation has?

From my personal experience "friends" come and go. This may be my own personal experience since I've been called a social butterfly...but, from my experience, these "friends" are nothing more than mere social conveniences that you find to suit your current lifestyle. They're just an accessory you choose to have at time. As you change, so do your "friends" who you've become associated with.

As horrible as it sounds, you would have to admit there is some truth in what I wrote above as you reflect back on your life. I can think of plenty of people who I used to talk to frequently and now have been completely phased out of my life. These individuals didn't wrong me in anyway nor are they bad people. Our lives just simply went in different directions.

Had enough of the pessimism? lol Here's some optimism =b

There are your "friends" and your friends. These are the people you've met throughout your life and have stuck by you regardless of what may have happened. You are able to confide in your friends and know they'll have your best interest at heart. They may live in different cities now, pursued completely different goals than you, or may have kept in touch with you as much as before. Despite all this, the bond between you and them seems to never sever or diminish.

Sooooo, at the end of this incoherent rambling I'm doing at 5am I'd just like to say that I'm grateful to have the friends that's I have now and I'm sure no matter what we'll always remain friends. Wow..try reading that run-on sentence in one breath haha

-irockursocks s

P.S - I don't know what my ending tag thingy ma bobber is supposed to be anymore! Annnd "The future is beyond knowing, but the present is beyond belief" soo enjoy yourself in the present cause as the Kung Fu Panada old Turtle dude also says the present is gift that's why its called the present?

P.S2 - See! I blogged!

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