Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i've decided to write more MORE MORE more MORE!

finally. sleep.. so nice.. so comfy.. so .. so .. zzzzzzz.

i was thinking to myself today.. it's really time to accept and let go. be happy with what i have, and move forward. cause i can only be the best i can be, and be hopeful that someone will realize that in me one day and love me for ME.

and till then, i will work and strive to be better than i am now.. which is.. not very good at all considering i've decided to sloth myself into .. a huge pigsty of a room..

i should start posting pictures... i like little j's blog it's very cute :) .. my blog needs a..

MAKEOVER MAKE OVER.. MAKE. OV ER! (clone high reference anyone?)

okay. passingout. GOODNIGHT. i will work on my bloggy tmr :)

- j

1 comment:

  1. i like this! haha and aw :)
    with some tweaking on the stubborness to let go, you will be irresistable and C will be so depressed on what hes done and what he has lost

    but by then you'll be well on ur way to bigger and better things =) and you wont even remember what was so great about him :D kakakaka
