Wednesday, November 25, 2009

suck'a m c!

time sucks.

actually, impatience sucks.

actually.. a lot of things suck. but what sucks the most.. is actually caring about things. GOD. do i hate caring. that's why im a very.. "whatever" type of person. meaning.. well if it doesn't need to be attended to.. why bother thinking about it? right? like.. if i think about something that really IS SUCH A SMALL THING..than i will have grey hairs and be stressed out about so many things in life. easy going? ya. i'd like to call myself that. so.. when I say things.. I intend on saying them in an easy going manner..because really.. people will say what they want to say..and I couldn't really give to pieces of poo what they're saying. whatever right? why waste my time getting mad over something..when in my mind..i know i mean well.. and those that i really care about feel that way too.

okay.. and ya.. so what everyones judging you. yeah sure. but don't you ever see that it's the people that you judge outwardly first.. are those that end up being made coal on the inside? right? no offense people.. but beautiful a LOT of the time is only on the outside. 

being bias or prejudice against someone because of things you hear.. sucks. 

OH YOU KNOW WHAT ALSO SUCKS. fake people. who you talk to ... feel like you have an understanding of.. and grow a trustful relationship with.. who turn out to be just huge jerk offs in the end. 

some people. seriously.. care way too much about superficial opinions. HENCE. why.. i am alll ALL ALL ALL. about whatever comes from the inside.

the superficial. ugh.

sometimes i think i talk just to hear myself speak. or in this case.. blog. blah.

- j

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